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The Ancient Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:55 pm
by Fayrouz
The Emerald Tablet of Thoth is considered to be one of the most antique and mystic works of wisdom. It is believed to have been written by Thoth, the Egyptian God of wisdom, the divine mediator & counselor and the inventor of writing. He is credited with raising the ancient Egyptian race (people of Khem) to a great civilization with his vast wisdom.

The Emerald Tablet of Thoth is a book of occult wisdom that Thoth had secreted away in the Pyramid for the purpose of enlightenment of the future generations. It talks about the philosophy of One God, the concept of soul, the reality behind all Creation, the unity and interconnectedness of everything in the universe, the relation between life on earth and the life above, and much more information and wisdom that can open the eyes of a passionate seeker to the divine truth.

Thoth is also associated with the "Companion of Egypt", a character mentioned in the Islamic narrations and traditions that is said to appear in the End Times and return Egypt and the Egyptian people to their glory and lead them once again to prosperity.