The True Reality of the Dunya

In this forum we will discuss what we have learnt from Ahmed AlHassan pbuh

Moderator: Shana

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Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:02 pm

Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) called me one day and said to me: "Tell the believers to step away from the illusional fleeting world for by God it is an illusion that has no value, so do not let it fool you. I shall tell you a parable that you can tell your brothers perhaps they shall take heed from it. Once there was a lone son who had a rich father. One day the son went to his father and said to him: My father, I have fallen in love with a young woman who is extremely beautiful and I want you to marry me to her". So the father became very happy and he said to his son: "Let us go get you engaged to her my son!" So the father and the son went to the house of the beautiful woman and when the father saw the young woman he became amazed and was blown away by her beauty and he liked her and became greedy and he said to his son: "My son, this woman is no good for you for she is very beautiful and deserves a rich man whom is able to make her happy. I shall marry her". So the father and the son quarrelled greatly and they went to the police station so that the sheriff may judge between them. The sheriff said to them: "What is the matter?" So they told him the story and the sheriff said: "Let us then call forth this girl and ask her whom she wants". So the sheriff sent for the girl and when she arrived the sheriff was stunned by her beauty and he said to the father and to the son: "This woman is not beneficial for you nor you, this woman can only be with a man who has authority, power and money". So he said: "And therefore I shall marry her". So they all quarrelled and their voices were raised and they were shouting and the mayor of the city heard that there was a problem, so he asked that everyone come and be present in front of him in order that he investigate the matter. So all of the quarrelling parties arrived, the father and the son and the officer, they all arrived at the mayor’s. The mayor said to them: "Let us see this girl that caused all of this". So he sent forth for the girl. Upon her arrival, the mayor was shocked at her extreme beauty and just like the rest, he began to quarrel with them all over this woman. All of the parties then went to the king and told the king of the country about what had happened and just like every time, the king requested that the girl be present, and when he laid eyes on her he said: "This is not for you nor you nor you, no one deserves this woman except for the king of a country so that he may make her live like a princess". So they all quarrelled and it was here that the young woman said: "I have the solution". They said to her: "What is your solution?" She said: "I shall run and you all run after me and whoever catches me first I shall be his and I shall marry him". So everyone agreed and the beautiful woman ran and all ran after her. And suddenly everyone fell, the father, the son, the sheriff, the mayor and the king all fell into a giant hole in the ground". The woman turned to them and said: "I am the world and whoever runs after me shall fall into the grave while they do not expect it and while they are filled with sin". The Imam (pbuh) said: "So leave this world my sons for by God, you shall not feel yourselves, and will suddenly one day find that your life is over and you are old and full of sins and misdeeds and there does not remain for you except that you get sick and face humiliation and suffering, may God grant you all success. Yes by God, it is a fleeting illusional world that has no value to it, and I say this because I see some people these days trying to chase this beautiful woman, the world is like a woman wearing makeup, if she washes off the makeup her faults and defects appear".
“Whoever is with God is not afraid of anyone. And we are the only ones on the face of the Earth that have God with us. We are the only ones on the face of the Earth that whenever we ask God for something, He answers us.”
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